Marc's World :)
My profile
Marcus Ong Kim Wee aka SuperWhee
Officially 15 =DD
2 November 1993
Bedok View Sec

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009

Image: Kao Ani
Imagehost: Image Shack
Layout by: Strawberrific
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
whee~today early morning woke up n went to simei mrt to meet up wif raymond,junxian n divyesh for the shooting competition.took cab to nee soon camp den went in after doing all the necessary procedures.we had to walk in cos the sch didnt hire any bus for us,bleh,wth other sch ppl in their bus drove past us laugh at us sia>.< dammit,den it was ard 20mins+ den we reached dere.den as if this isnt enough,reached there the encik go ask us hlp wif filling the sandbag,dammit!!!of evry1 he ask me go fill it wif the sand,nt wif the spade,but wif my hands =.= forget it,at least the sand still can say quite clean,nt much particles inside,juz purely sand =). den we waited as we were the 3rd grp to fire.1st grps had lots of problems,so had to wait quite long.den we draw rounds ,2 magazine of 4 round,2 mag of 6 rds,1 mag of 12rd.1t 2 is for grping,which i did quite poorly for the 2nd 1 which the score was taken down de >.< nvm,i made up for it by doing well for the rapid shot,which was to fire at 1 target oni,have 36seconds,u fire,if hit it will go down den rise again,fire 6 times.i scored 5 wif sandbag support xD nxt 1,fire same thing juz tt no sandbag to support.scored 5 again ! xD final 1,the hardest of all~snap target!come out from left,shoot,den come out on left n right,shoot,den repeat procedure 4 times,12 rounds =D I SCORED 11/12!!!whee~which means i scored a total of 5/6,5/6,11/12 = 21/24! whoo~gonna get my marksman badges sometimes soon ^^ hehe,end of my post for the day~


Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
today morning went to sch for meeting.finish meeting go pullup bar do afew cos no strength le>.< den go play bball wif lj raymond jer n hou ping.played wif some ITE ppl later,dam pro,but still can play wif.den after tt we juz shoot ard,hou ping shoot 1 ball,bounce hit the sweeping auntie head,lian jie too slow nvr get the ball,den the auntie turn ard scold him oie ai si sibo(wan die isit),pua cb rofl .den after tt play a while more.stop liao den go home =D

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
ahh back to blog,this few days are so boring~~i can only play WoW all day long ,altho its wan i wan,but,after long abit sian =x nvm,ytd gt WoW:Wrath of the Lich,cinematics,all the new stuff dam cool~can feel myself stuck into the virtual world soon hehe =P . Today gt my new specs,nt bad,juz nid to adapt to it,if nt i see things like v weird n after long will abit dizzy.k tts the end of my post =) cya all nxt time~=DD

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
whee~im back to blog.last few days were at the chalet having fun!=D on the 1st day,it was kind of boring when we 1st reached cos nt many ppl come yet,so we play daidee n psp. after tt,i tink me,zhenlu,jer,shermin n amanda went out n eat at kfc b4 going back to the chalet.bbq soon after tt den we played wif bomb bags =D n i knocked my head once against the tv>.< after tt the basketball accidentally hit my face cos i was nt prepared to catch it.after tt many ppl went home.den during 10+ we went to the room n played pillow fite n something else =p den kaylie,ara,nanah,afiq chris,babat n i tink afew more ppl went home. den me,daan,weijie,jeremy,zhenlu,chin ken,derick,amanda,shermin,ah gwee,jiayan,hou ping,raymond stayed up n went to mac ard 12+ b4 goin back at ard 1. den me n chin ken play psp downstairs while others stayed on top.
play till abt 2am+ b4 bathing n den play daidee n truth or dare.den play psp again till 4+ b4 we went to see the "sunrise" but daanish became angry n went out,so we went to find him b4 slacking at the pool.den me n afew others go back chalet 1st while others go eat breakfast at mac.i slept from i tink 6+ to 7+ .den i slp again till 9.30.den after tt slacked again b4 they all go arcade while me kaylie n derick stayed in the wif psp until yayah came den we go arcade oso.saw the basketball machine den played wif it xD afiq was dam pro n he set the high score for 1 of it .den we saw another dam pro person play till 600+ . nvm,i oso nt bad,get to 240+ =x i am definitely goin back there some other time to play!dam fun =DD den me kaylie zhen lu derick n yayah went back to the chalet 1st n slacked.derick go home while me zhen lu n kaylie played the game bishibashi or something liddat de.oso very fun =D at 1st i dun believe de,den play le den addicted to it =x den from saying 12pm i go home,drag till 3pm,den till 5pm. from 3-5 played the blow bubble thingy wif kaylie n yayah den finally went home wif kaylie n jiayan.took bus den mrt home =D reached home became dam tired>< slept at 8pm n woke up today at 9pm =D

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
today is a fun day~^^played bball for almost the whole of started wif el lesson as free period as it was oni for the nz students,so played bball instead.after tt went for e maths,learnt circle properties =D.den break went market to buy sushi n drink again.after tt history nearly late phew,lucky ms pereira nvr scold if nt die le>.< den during chinese,slacked quite alot cos dunno y dam tired>< but after tt ,played bball all the way wif zhen lu,jer,lian jie,raymond n hou ping le.tks kaylie for giving me the piece of cake =D if nt i oso dunno wat to eat for lunch>.< ty~~^^ play till ard 5 den went home wif jer,zhen lu,amanda n shermin.

Tks siongyu for the present n the encouragement^^ xiexie~~=)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
started the day wif a maths,played abit of psp den was lit,when i couldnt catch anything cos i havent even touch the mockingbird book :( . Break go to market buy drinks n sushi.E maths okok,nid some time to understand the concept.Chinese totallly slack rofl,didnt complete my bao zhang bao dao den the mdm cai oso go liao.juz play psp n listen to songs.after sch slack in sch play dai dee n psp dai dee like business like tt sia,keep xchanging cards.dam funny =D. den after tt when me,zhen lu n jer went on bus 45,we keep laughing cos gt 3 ...... on the bus den they tok dam loud n on song quite loud oso =D den we cant stand it but keep laughing.

My quote of the day: 时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择 你冷了 倦了 我哭了 一开始都不快乐 你用卡片纸写着 有些爱只给到这 真的痛了 怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
1. FINGERS: marcus
2. CHIN: nooo,my mum is juz behind me,later she tot i mad =x some other time maybe^^
4. ELBOW: maatrcfus >.< grrr
5. NOSE: nooo,my mum is juz behind me,later she tot i mad =x some other time maybe^^
6. PALM: marrcus

1. List four random items you have:
wow board game,bag,watch,wallet.

2. Have you ever slept in the back of the car?

3. Have you recently dyed your hair/cut it?
yep,of cos gt cut b4 =D .

4. List four people you look up to the most.
my mum,dad,sister,brother =) .

5. How many pets do you own as of now?

6. Which do you prefer? White or Black?

7. Who is your most played character?
hmm,as in?online game or wat?

8. Choose one or the other, not both: Being stuck on an island with a friend, or being stuck on an island with 5 acquaintances.
hmm,i would choose the 1st 1 i tink,but muz depend on who is the friend.

9. Name three aspects that tell who you are.
ermm,funny?love basketball,and ermm,hmm,friendly?=x hehe

10. If you could have a power what would it be?
hmm,i dunno leh,too many tt i wan le>.<

11. Who was the last person you talked to?

12. Who was the last person you said “i love you” to?
ehmm..secret =x

13. Write down the first five words that pop into your head.

14. What’s one thing you wish you could do better?
studies i guess?

15. Do you like the way you are?

16. Choose, Summer or winter

17. Rain or snow?

18. Water or ice?

19. List two odd things about yourself.
i dunno.

20. Which are two of your bad habits?
saying vulgarities n tendency to play too much.

21. What’s 1 of your biggest pet peeve?
what's a pet peeve? =x

Now list 6 people who should do this quiz:
Zhen lu,jer,tzu ying,kaylie,jolene,siong yu

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Today sch had free period again~=D chinese was quite slack cos didnt do much stuffs..den a maths do some sums in class,recess play bball,den ss replaced by e maths.oso quite slack cos of the smartboard thingy den lit free period,play bball again=) hmm other den tt..nth much to blog abt le :( cya all tmr~^^

My Quote of the day:死了心 痛就没感觉....

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Tks to all that wished me happy birthday =DD (Derick,daanish,kaylie,siong yu,samantha,sherlyn,tzu ying,zhen lu,wei jie,jeremy,shermin,amanda,jazmyne,lian jie).
Stayed home again n could only play on my own :( nvm,i tried to figure out hw to play the board game again.but still failed>.< nvm i shall try again later or tmr ^^
wheeeeee~tmr time to play bball~any1 interested?^^

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
wheee~tmr is my bday xD Happy birthday to me!!im officially 15 in 1hour + time.
today could only stay home play n do abit of my chinese letter writing.i tried to figure out hw to play the warcraft board game tt kaylie,sherlyn,daanish n jer bought for me n spent 1hr+ reading thru the guide book but still nt v sure of hw to play>.< i shall spend more time on it tmr =D hmm other den gonna make my IC sooon!!whee~finally i can own my IC,hehe.ok tts abt it=D boring day ~
Tomorrow is my big day n im looking forward to it~^^